Friday, June 17, 2011

Playing the waiting game

Just wanted to do a quick update of this week. Week 39 has come and ALMOST gone - and still nothing. I keep getting phone calls and text messages for people, which I totally appreciate - but I'm much more impatient than they are and I just keep telling them 'no news really means... NO NEWS!'

I finally had my week 39 check up. Lost 3lbs since last week (must have been retaining water for the last month like crazy) and my blood pressure was abnormally high for the first time of this entire pregnancy. It was a hot day yesterday, and I spent some time outside in the sun. I'm not in the medical field or anything, but I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary of how I felt... even though the doctors started asking me tons of questions, trying to rule out preeclampsia. Just to be on the safe side, I had my blood drawn for tests and am collecting my urine for 24 hours. Gross. Once I started actually paying attention, I realized that even though I was going to the bathroom a million times yesterday, nothing much was coming out. Not to mention, my urine was really dark for all of the water I had been consuming throughout the day.

At this appointment, I am progressing - but nothing too exciting. I am dilated 2cm, 50% effaced and Baby is at 0 station. We're finally engaged! Maybe this means I'll stop feeling the banging around in there while the head was floating. It was still a little disappointing to hear that I am only at 2cm, but that is better than still being stuck at 1cm - which is where I was a month ago. I keep telling the LO that we're running out of time and on deadlines here, so lets kick it into gear and get the show on the road. Literally. Once Baby R has arrived, we have weddings to attend. July 2 is officially 2 weeks away and I have a bridesmaid dress to fit into!

Brook and I spent the evening trimming tree branches and loading them in the truck to take out to the landfill. When I say that WE were working... I mean Brook. I wasn't trimming, just dragging branches across the yard trying to keep myself busy. Otherwise I'd be pacing the house looking for something to do with myself. I could do laundry, maybe clean - but I'm not that type of nester. I'm more of a cooking/baking type and we don't have room in the fridge. Not to mention, my urine is being stored in there :o) mmMMmm

No photos have been taken lately. So I have no belly updates. I guess I could take them myself, but maybe I'll take one tonight and post tomorrow. Probably not ;o) hehe I'll just add a few images from our pregnancy photoshoot a few weeks back. Kelli Jo Heimer is awesome - and even though it was raining out when we were doing outdoor shots - it was still a bunch of fun. We had photos taken in Nora Springs, Iowa. This is the town I grew up in, and where KJ lives - so we spent some time in the park, in her studio and by some good 'ol fashioned grain bins. I love them - I just can't pick which ones I like the most to actually purchase!

My favorite book as a child.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Are We There Yet?

This week marks the final stretch... I've made it to 37 weeks, and then some. Baby R is full-term and will be perfectly healthy if we decide to have an early arrival. As I keep checking my non-existent wrist watch, any time now... would be great.

Last week we had the cultures tested for Strep B. I haven't heard anything back, so I'm going to assume as always - no news, is good news. If you've ever experienced this, you know how I felt at this dreaded appointment. Enough said. Anyway - I was also 1cm dilated! Whoop Whoop! Not that 1cm is anything to be excited about - I still have a ways to go, but it was good to hear we're somewhat on the way to a delivery. Some extra walks were put into our weekly schedule and maybe a few more next week will help get this little one moving.

The doctor ordered yet another ultra sound to make sure baby was in a good position and to check the size/weight. I am apparently measuring a little smaller these last couple of visits and haven't been gaining much weight. I look at this as a good thing - as my stomach kept gaining inches around, even if the scale wasn't moving. Less for me to work off when we're done right?! :o)

This week's appointment and ultra sound went as everyone thought it would. Baby is growing just fine, we're measuring a few days ahead of schedule - which means nothing. We could go into labor any minute, or wait out the 40+ weeks. I've been trying to coax the little one out, bribing my belly with all sorts of fun promises. He/she just hasn't been listening. I may get a kick here or there, "Shut up mom... I'll be there when I'm good and ready.' Seems to be taking after me, and not Brook. I'm not sure this is a good trait - as I am ALWAYS at least 10 minutes late for everything. I can just see our family trips going down hill from here as Brook is impatiently waiting in the car for the rest of us to finish packing and pacing the house to make sure we don't forget the pack of gum we just bought. Good luck with that hubby.... I'll sympathize for you now, but I can't promise to be better prepared tomorrow.

The ultra sound also estimated that this little one is about 7 lbs, 4 oz at the moment.... which means I could have over a 9 lb. baby if we go to the full 40 weeks before delivery. I know this baby's cousin was 10 lbs., but I"m just really praying they're way off with the prediction and I'm not actually going to have a baby that huge the first time. Wanting this as natural as possible without epidurals or pain meds, we may be in BIG BIG trouble! Let's just hope for an early delivery.

I'm off to do some squats and maybe go walk on the treadmill for a bit. I'll check back in next week with an update. With my luck, I'll still be dilated to 1cm and this baby won't want to come out until July. In the meantime, here are some belly shots. These were taken at 36.5 weeks (last weekend).

36.5 weeks

36.5 weeks   
Belly stats: At 36.5 weeks I was measuring 37 inches around. Oh, and I've gained 28 lbs so far (on a good day) LOL