Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pink Cantaloupe


  • How far along?: 20 weeks
  • Baby is the size of a: Little cantaloupe
  • Total weight gain/loss: +13ish
  • The Bump: I feel like a house...the bump isn't THAT big, but my body is. I'm looking about 5 weeks further along than the first time, which I'm really hoping will slow down soon.
  • Symptoms: sore after attempting to workout... it's a sad time in my life, but will be worth it in another 20 weeks!
  • Food Cravings: Anything chocolate, or occasionally a chocolate shake/twist cone
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nothing lately.
  • Sleep: Sleeping a little better, but still waking up a couple of times a night.
  • What I miss: The energy to exercise! I have the equipment, even a fancy treadmill that sits in my bedroom, collecting clothes that no longer fit. I need a workout partner to keep me going!
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On. The usual... both are on during the day and I only wear my wedding band at night.
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Names are tough... especially when hubby and I don't agree on any of them :)
  • Gender Prediction: I've been thinking girl, only because this pregnancy is completely opposite of my first. I'd be excited either way - if we have a boy... all clothes and toys are set already. If we have a girl, we get to go shopping. Everyone wins!
  • Movement: Feeling small kicks. Same activity as Cohen had, usually awake and kicking around 2-3pm and then again at 10-11ish. If they're anything similar, we'll have some late night kiddos running around and we'll be in bed before they will. Looking forward to it.
  • Maternity Clothes:I'm into quite a bit of maternity shirts and casual pants (aka sweats), but when it comes to work attire, I'm attempting to squeeze into anything I can. I layer a lot, so it has actually been hiding a small bump for awhile. Give me another week, I'll start waddling :)
  • Labor Signs: None.
  • Best Moment of the Week: We're having a GIRL!!!! Hubby and I finally went to the department store to check out some newborn outfits. It is amazing how 'different' it is to shop for a girl. We're so used to heading towards sweatshirts and sports themed outfits, that we were completely thrown off when looking at all of the little girl outfits. We opted for only two newborn sets, trying our best to steer clear of too much pink. It was our first round, I'm sure I can be persuaded to get a few things in pink in the next 20 weeks.
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Getting the nursery ready and working with Cohen to help prepare him as much as we can for a baby sister.